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Quiet Time With God

The most important thing for anyone looking to heal emotionally is to grow spiritually. The reality is that the God of Scripture is ultimately the One Who is able to heal your heart, mend your broken spirit, show you those places in your life that need to be addressed, can help connect your neurons, can connect the memories to the emotions that are lodged deep within, can provide the forgiveness that we all need for the ways we have hurt others, and can bring us into relationship with Him in order to experience His strength, peace, and rest.
Without starting with your relationship with God, you will be left with only your own limited ability, power, insight, and wisdom as you try to:
(1) find sufficient strength to overcome the darkness and waves of emotions as memories surface,
(2) find the comfort you need in the midst of the depression,
(3) find understanding into the source of your inability to be still and rest,
(4) heal those deep places within you,
(5) discern the nature of shame that you have carried for so long,
(6) successfully move through the stages of grief while coming to terms with the losses you've experienced, 
(7) resist the old ways, methods, patterns, and compulsions you have experienced  while dealing with your emotional pain,
(8) realign relationships in your life, and
(9) establish boundaries, and make the kinds of decisions which will enable you to move forward successfully in your life. 
The following are designed to help you in the process of meaningfully growing in your relationship with the God who made you, and Who wants to help you find the answers, the insight, the healing, and the inner peace and rest as you move through the journey into healing.
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