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About Survivor Support


With years of clinical experience helping survivors, and with a deep understanding of the unique challenges survivors face during their journey to healing, Survivor Support is a trusted resource for those in need of help and for those desiring to learn how to better help survivors.       

About the Founder

Jon K. Uhler is a Licensed Professional Counselor, whose education includes:  Epic Bible College (AA in Ministerial Arts), Biola University (BA in Christian Education), Talbot School of Theology (studies in Marriage and Family Ministries), and California State University, Fullerton (MS in Counseling). During his graduate work, he conducted unique research into the family dynamics of compulsive and/or emotional over-eaters.

Jon’s professional experience spans over 25 years, working in both clinical and administrative capacities, in outpatient settings with individuals, couples, and families, in hospital settings, in intensive day treatment settings, in residential treatment programs, and in secure (locked) facilities.


Jon has over 10 years experience working with adjudicated adolescents and seriously emotionally-troubled teens; as well as, over 11 years working "behind bars" in a forensic clinical capacity. Not only did he develop the nation's first-of-its-kind intensive residential treatment program within a long-term solitary confinement environment, but he also spent thousands of hours working within a treatment capacity with the full continuum of sex offenders (including many designated as Sexually Violent Predators). Additionally, he is certified through the PA Dept. of Corrections to oversee treatment programming for those wrestling with Co-occurring Disorders, and he is both clinically certified to assess and evaluate Risk Levels of sex offenders, and to conduct forensic assessments for Psychopathy via the PCL-R.   


Of all clinical populations with which he has worked, Jon's heart lies with those who wrestle with the effects of trauma, especially the trauma resulting from sexual abuse. He has extensive clinical experience working with those who suffer from trauma-related disorders, Dissociative Identity Disorder, and other effects of serious and long-term childhood ritualistic abuse. 

Services we offer

Looking for sound advice from an experienced licensed professional, without taking the step to enter into professional therapy? Then "Personal Consulting" is a wonderful option for you to get help with a perplexing problem or advice regarding a troublesome relationship.

To find out how easy it is to get short-term expert help via your own computer, tablet, or phone, simply click the link below.

Personal Help

For churches or other organizations finding themselves in need of expert advice and insight on matters related to how to deal with a known or suspected abuser, and how best to help those victims or survivors who have or inevitably will be impacted by the revelation about the perpetrator, a video conference call offers a convenient way of accessing help.


Jon K. Uhler, MS, LPC is available to help advise you on the best approach and course of action with respect to working with both the perpetrator and survivors. 

If you have tried to find help, yet find yourself stuck, Jon is ready to help you move forward.

Follow the link for more...

Professional Consulting
Executive Training

Underlying all trauma and the effects of sexual abuse is the issue of loss. For loss to be properly resolved, the survivor must understand how to progress through the process of grief, and how to avoid getting stuck with only partial healing having occurred... which al too commonly creates other secondary issues and problem.


If you want to fully understand all the facets of the grief process, then this unique presentation holds the key.  Follow the arrow to find out more...   

Healing through Grief ©

The most comprehensive training of it's kind. this program (utilizing multi-media within the presentation) delivers little-known insights into the mind, methods, and motivation of the child super predator... the Sexual Super Predator most likely to target churches.

With unique content derived from over a decade of qualitative forensic clinical research treating well over 4000 incarcerated sex offenders of all kinds, the information contained in this training will equip you and your church or organization to effectively deal with known or suspected sexual predators, and to better help and support the survivors of sexual abuse.

Follow the link for more...

Education & Training
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Survivor Support
If you need someone to talk to about what you are going through, we are just a phone call away.
Please consider making an appointment for a phone consultation with a seasoned professional therapist. It is convenient, confidential*, and reasonably priced.
*Though "Personal Consulting" is not intended to be misconstrued as individual psychotherapy, nor should it be viewed as a substitute for actual personal therapy, we remain committed to the safety and welfare of all who may contact us, or request consultation services. As such, limits of confidentiality apply to situations of danger to self or others, as "duty to warn" is mandated by law.
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