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Predator Tactics

When studying the subject of Predator Tactics, it's important to keep in mind that there are many different kinds of Predators. However, because the Predator has descended well within the dark-hearted realm of Psychopathy, they will each have certain common characteristics and utilize fairly common tactics.
As with all sophisticated manipulators, Predators are also motivated by either money, sex, and/or power; however, they are motivated by them in much more malevolent ways.
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The Dirty Little Secret: Unfetterred Access to Kids

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They allowed the women to do the heavy pulling of their Trojan Horse... fooling even the best of them

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Societal Manipulation

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Manipulate Public Opinion

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Manipulate the Legal System

Manipulate the Political System

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Are Emotionally Abusive

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They "Flip the Script"

They are masters at feigning being emotionally frail, emotionally sensitive, and that others who question them or aren't willing to forget the past are the one's with the problem, as it must be evidence of bias, prejudice, unresolved fear, bitterness, and resentment. 
They are therefore able to shift normal reasonability onto another person, while gaining leverage or future tactical advantage.
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Only simpletons believe everything they're told!
 The prudent carefully consider their steps.
The wise are cautious (suspecious) and avoid danger: fools plunge ahead with reckless confidence. Proverbs 14:15-16.

Use of Apologists

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Artful Deflection

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Will Assert They Are the True Victim

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Become "Righteously Indignant"

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Damage Control Mode

Feigned Concern
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Minimizing the extent of the harm
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Feigned Contrition
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Silencing Whistle blowers
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Silencing the Victims
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Defend the Perpetrator
Blame the Victim
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Target Selection & Manipulation

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Silence Those Who Seek To Unmask Them
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Blame the Victim

Leverage Positions of Trust

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The use of Trojan Horses

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Silence Those Who Risk Blowing Their Cover

Devient Predators and Pedophiles maintain a high degree of vigilance on Social Media  or within organizations against anyone who has figured out the truth about their porn-saturated darkened hearts and their twisted agendas. These individuals will invariably approach their targeted opponent in much the same way, and will progress through fairly typical stages if the opponent proves knowledgable for them.
Inevitably, the wolf in sheep's clothing will attempt to sound like he/she is inquiring, wanting to learn more about the person's knowledge. Once the fraud discerns that they are out of their league in terms of knowledge, or that the knowledgable person will not be side tracked from shining the light of truth on porn and sexual predators, they will begin to "take the gloves off," and reveal both a very aggressive and foul disposition, stemming from a desire to cast porn in as harmless a light as possible.
The following is a fairly typical exchange between a wolf-in-sheep's clothing and Jon K. Uhler, as he addressed the issue of pornography.  This person initially takes a supposed intellectual approach, sounding quite intelligent... at first. But, he will quickly begin to become defensive, demeaning, then  insulting as he is unable to refute the mounting evidence. 
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So, what is the "take away" from the following exchange? Simply to understand what will happen when the wolf-in-sheep's clothing's initial "reasoned approach" does not work with an informed and forthright person. Be prepared to see a very mean and nasty person emerge, someone who will quickly become vile, will opt for slander and character assassination,  and will eventually storm off in a rage.

They use predictably deceptive approached to try to Discredit & Silence Their Opponents

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Having seen the above post on "William Beaulieu's" Twitter page, I sent him the following 
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The issue of the importance and value of life is a quick way to ferret out men who are not chivalrous and protective of women and children.
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Strangely, after supposed after stating he wanted no further contact, this re-posting along with his comment below, clearly for the purpose of reengaging. Unmasked frauds, it will inevitably be that signs indicative of a Predator will quickly surface. They will become defensive, demeaning, jump quickly between topics, look for ways of claiming you are "hateful", assert that you are off topic (because you have zeroed in on them and are not thrown off course), and ensure they have the last word, and also ensure they keep their camouflage in tact as much as possible if they know the public can access the conversation.
So, after abruptly ending the exchange, guess what happened next? Suddenly, the following post...
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They manipulate by failing to disclose

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Sophisticated Methods

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